Matt Spike

the life logistic

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Week 7 Tutorial

No reading again! This time I’ll ask you to watch a talk given by Dr. Bodo Winter. This is quite a long video (sorry!), but very well delivered and interesting. Don’t take notes or anything, just sit back and watch (til the end of the talk, no need to watch the questions unless you feel like it) and, before your tutorial, use the prompts below to think about the claims Bodo makes, and how they relate to language evolution.


A lot of the terms Bodo uses are ones we’ve encountered in class, and can be a lot more difficult than they first appear. Think about the following terms, and anything else which came up: what you understand by them, and are any other ways they might be interpreted (there almost certainly are - never underestimate linguists’ ability to turn terminological confusion into bad-tempered debates which stretch over multiple decades).

Possible discussion questions

  1. What do you think of the statement “virtually everything in language has a non-arbitrary origin”?
  2. Do you think some modalities offer more potential for iconicity? What are the implications for language evolution?
  3. What role would iconicity play in different theories of protolanguage, for example synthetic vs. analytic origins, or pragmatics-first?
  4. How might iconicity be implicated in more abstract features of language such as syntax or phonology?